Johnny Peers & The Muttville Comix Comedy Dog Show

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Sun, October 18, 2015
Hartford, CT
Show: 1:30 PM

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Johnny Peers & The Muttville Comix Comedy Dog Show

Johnny Peers and the Muttville Comix is a slapstick comedy like no other!! Appearing on Letterman and performing regularly in the Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus, Johnny and his canine co-stars provide wholesome family fun. So don’t “paws” on this one, get your tickets today!!

Johnny Peers & The Muttville Comix

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Artist Bio

Sit! Stay! Get ready to howl! Johnny Peers and his personality-plus canines are coming to tickle your funny bone! A Ringling Brothers Clown College graduate, Johnny Peers has been working with dogs since he got his first puppy, Freckles, a Beagle mix, from the Humane Society. Since their 1980 debut, the Muttville Comix have appeared on David Letterman, Primetime Live and Circus of the Stars, and at Disneyland, Busch Gardens, the Big Apple Circus, the Royal Hanneford Circus, even The White House! A show for the whole family and the dog lover in all of us, the show stars mostly dogs rescued from shelters or pounds, like Daphne, the world’s only skateboarding Basset Hound; Squeaky, the ladder climbing Fox Terrier; Mr. Pepe, who only responds to commands in Spanish; and Sir Winston, the Pointer mix who only answers to “Sir.” The 2003 Animal Planet Pet Star Winners, the Providence Journal-Bulletin calls the show, “...a truly funny, slapstick dog act.”

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